Jokes Page

JOKES and co.

Play pranks on teachers, siblings parents with these cool jokes!

 1.  What did the pig say at the beach?
      I'm bacon!

2. How do you make an anti-freeze?
Hide her nighty!

3.What did the fly say when it hit the windscreen?
'That's me all over!'

4. Why do cows where bells around their necks?
Because their horns don't work!

5. What did the skeleton use to phone his friend?
An I-bone!

6. You: waiter! waiter! this egg is bad!
Waiter: don't blame me I only laid the table.

7.Why didn't  the mummy go to party?
He was too wrapped up to himself!

8.Why couldn't the skeleton go to karate?
He didn't have the guts!

9.What kind of pets dos Dracula have?
A bloodhound and ghoulfish!

10.What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh!

 11.What do zombies make with cars?
Traffic jam!

12.yesterday I swallowed  food colouring,
the next day I died a bit inside!

13. What do you get if you cross a petunia and a great white shark?
I don't  know either, but I wouldn't want to smell it!